Wednesday 10 July 2013

Christmas in July 
Well, here in my neck o' the woods, we are suffering through yet another hot spell, but I am thinking Christmas. 

Some may think I am crazy but in order for us to have a good Christmas,  I need to start thinking of it now.  I scout out sales and thrift stores for gifts that I can use for Christmas.  Last year,  I scored a complete set of the Narnia series books for $10.  I bought them at a thrift store and they looked almost brand new and at another thrift store, I bought a complete weaving loom set for $2 (still in the package and these run upwards of $20!).  So I am hoping I do as well this year too.

I got a slab of wax that my mom has had around the house for years and since we live near a beach, I am going go and make some sand candles for gifts  I always try to make something for gifts every year.  Pintrest is a great sites for getting ideas even you are not crafty.  It is free to join.

I have to say that I do have a few small gifts put away but because we had some financial setbacks this year,  I am not as far as I would like to be.  I will keep you posted on my bargain hunt.

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