Tuesday 23 July 2013

Budget, Budget, Who Keeps A Budget?

I read an article which stated that only 32% of American families setup and keep a budget and it seems the government doesn't do a very good job of keeping one either.   Canada doesn't fair much better at only 47% of its families keeping one as well.

I have to say that I usually am not that organized to keep one but do admire people that do.   However,  in saying that we we don't physically keep one, we do keep one sort of in our heads.  We also don't have credit cards either which helps us keep our money in line.

I am curious though about how many of you keep one and how you make it work.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Hot Fun In The Summer Time

After 25 years of marriage, hubby and I finally relented and got central air and me being the crafty (and cheap) person I am,  asked the installers if I could have the left over copper wire.  I got a pretty good score.   I got some fat tubing which I plan to use for a wind chime (using beads that I bought at a thrift store ).  I also made another one using the same beads and a metal jar lid.

Do you have little kids?  One year my kids and I made Christmas ornaments out of salt dough and who doesn't like to blow bubbles?   There are a lot of sites on the www that can give you the recipes for free.   Also, Pintrest may be able to help you to find things to occupy your little ones. 

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Christmas in July 
Well, here in my neck o' the woods, we are suffering through yet another hot spell, but I am thinking Christmas. 

Some may think I am crazy but in order for us to have a good Christmas,  I need to start thinking of it now.  I scout out sales and thrift stores for gifts that I can use for Christmas.  Last year,  I scored a complete set of the Narnia series books for $10.  I bought them at a thrift store and they looked almost brand new and at another thrift store, I bought a complete weaving loom set for $2 (still in the package and these run upwards of $20!).  So I am hoping I do as well this year too.

I got a slab of wax that my mom has had around the house for years and since we live near a beach, I am going go and make some sand candles for gifts  I always try to make something for gifts every year.  Pintrest is a great sites for getting ideas even you are not crafty.  It is free to join.

I have to say that I do have a few small gifts put away but because we had some financial setbacks this year,  I am not as far as I would like to be.  I will keep you posted on my bargain hunt.