Thursday 8 August 2013

Fun on the Cheap

This past weekend was a long weekend here where we live and not having much money to our name due to having to pay $600 to the dentist because our oldest daughter had her wisdom teeth pulled out and our dryer bit the dust so we had no extra cash to spend.  

Saturday was spent cleaning the house,  Sunday afternoon we went on a picnic with some friends to a water front park that had an old fashioned merry go round that cost 5 cents a ride.   The park also had a playground,  so all the kids were happy.

On Monday,  we slept in,  had a great breakfast and went  for a hike to a beautiful waterfall were you can actually get under the water!

So our weekend was a great one and a cheap one.   The key is to look around you neighborhood to see what is out there.  Some cities offer free concerts and free movies.  Do some research.

Our next free family activity is this coming weekend as we have been lent a trailer for the weekend. (our first vacation in years simply because we could never afford to go anywhere! )