Tuesday 5 August 2014


Simple living does seem to equal frugal living because you tend not to need nor want as much.   We will keep looking into this in the next few blogs. ..

Monday 20 January 2014

Jan 20

Had a pretty good past few days.  I was invited by a friend to go to a pottery place and paint a free tile, then was able to score a free hair cut from my mother in law over the weekend and went to Michaels and got some great deals.   They had their Christmas stuff on sale for 90%off.  This is absolutely the best time to score some deals because stores want to move inventory.   My daughter and I went into a store where they already have flip flops and and bathing suits out.  At that store,  my daughter got a dress for $7 for one of the weddings we have in late summer and I got a pair of shoes that I have been eying since last fall for $3.  Pretty cool I would say.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Jan 14th

I just finished putting the rest of the Christmas stuff away and now it's time to start thinking about Easter!  Also,  been sorting through stuff and putting aside stuff for our garage sale which we will have in May.  Love garage sale season because you never know what you can find.   Also looking through the craft supplies to see what project I am going to do next. By sorting thing out, you know exactly what you have and don't end up buying something that you know you have but you just can't find it.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Jan 8th

Happy birthday mom!  I  still have to get her a present but fortunately January is a great month not because of the weather but because of the sales! I have already hit Target for some work clothes which I paid $5 each for.   I scored 3 pairs of pants, two tops and a jacket. Love the clothes at that store but find the regular prices a little high.  There are definitely deals out there if you take time to hunt for them.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Jan 7th. 2014

Well,  went to Michaels and didn't get what I wanted to make for the wedding presents,  but have found out I can order them online.   I will wait for a while to see if the price will go down.    While every one else is thinking about bbqs and beaches,  I will be thinking about Christmas!  I may have to think of something else but my goal to give them something hand made.

As for us as most of the rest of North America,  we are experiencing frigid temperatures. So I will be staying in and curl up with my tablet and read the ebook that I have gotten from the library.   I have a free app that allows me to do this called overdrive media.

Saturday 4 January 2014

January's 3rd

We have two weddings within a month of each other.  They are two brothers and are our nephews.   I was thinking about something nice for a gift that would not cost very much so I decided to get them clear glass Christmas balls and put things in them that are special and meaningful to each couple.  The weddings are in late summer so I have lots of time to be creative with this.   I figure I should be able to get some Christmas stuff on sale still at Michaels,  so I am heading there today.

Thursday 2 January 2014

The Year of Living Cheap

This is the year that we have to be more frugal due to different money constraints that are family will be facing, so I decided to blog my year for the fun of it.  If you pick up tips along the way,  fantastic!

Jan 2
Spent the holiday yesterday playing games and watching a Dvd that we borrowed from my mom.  Waiting on the Perry Mason Dvd that hubby will pick up from the library tonight!

Today I have just been cleaning,  made homemade soup for supper and right now, I am taking apart a wooden orange box that held Clemintine oranges and making a stand for my tablet for when I am cooking in the kitchen.   I found a free app for old radio shows, which I love.